Character List


Corynne is the daughter of the potion maker, Amea. She was born to a married couple, but she does not remember her father. She grew up in the Sisterhood of Witches, where she was taught to believe that all men are evil. She has a natural talent for making potions. From the early stages of her adolescence, men were drawn to Corynne. Her mother warned her to stay away from these men, but on the day she met Lothar, she could not resist him. They rapidly fell in love (and lust) with each other. Corynne's strong emotions for the Prince of Lyvenia led her to disbelieve the lessons the witches had taught her, and she decided that she would do anything to be with Lothar--no matter the cost.


When Amea was a young girl, she ran away from home and married a man that her parents disapproved of. Soon after they had spoken their vows, her husband became abusive and addicted to alcohol. Amea gave birth to a daughter, Corynne, and when Corynne was three, Amea fled from her husband in the middle of the night. She found refuge in the Sisterhood of Witches, where she grew to hate all men because they reminded her of her husband. She also learned to support herself by making and selling potions. As Corynne grew into a young woman, Amea began to fear that her daughter would fall under the spell of men-- a fear that that became all too real when Corynne met Lothar.


Galaea is better known in Lyvenia by her title: the Witch Queen. She was raised in the Sisterhood of Witches and grew up to lead it. Galaea is cunning and she values this quality in other women. For years, she schemed to overthrow the royal family and take control of Lyvenia's throne. She claims to receive prophecy from the Goddess Jyaell and she regularly preaches against the evil of men to her coven, contending that women should rule over them. Galaea has one daughter, Ivaine, born to her as she approached the end of middle age. Galaea participated in many mating ceremonies and suffered many miscarriages  before the birth of her daughter. She believes that Ivaine was a gift from Jyaell herself and that she is a child of great destiny.


If Ivaine lived in our world, and if she ever saw a therapist, she would quickly be diagnosed as a sociopath. She loves nothing and she has no empathy for any living creature. Growing up in the Sisterhood of Witches, Ivaine was a repressed, caged animal desperate to break free and have her way. However, her mother the Witch Queen kept her tightly on a leash, assuring her that the Goddess Jyaell had a plan for her life and would lead her to greatness if she only remained obedient. Ivaine felt much resentment toward the witches and her mother, blaming them for her feelings of imprisonment. When Ivaine finally gained her freedom, the whole kingdom paid the price for it.

Lothar is the middle son of King Lothe and Queen Larana. He is also the beloved of Corynne. From the time he was a young boy, Lothar dreamed of becoming king of Lyvenia, believing with all of his heart that this was his destiny. The only problem was that his older brother, Litham, was first in line for the throne. Lothar conceived that Litham was corrupt and should not rule the kingdom for fear that he would drive Lyvenia into ruin. He became determined to stop that from happening. The first time that Lothar saw Corynne, he became captivated and decided that he would one day make her his wife and queen. His captivation of her never ceased.

Keiry is Corynne's best friend. She has the power to make plants grow, even in the bittertest cold. Her mother died giving birth to her and her sister, Sabryn, raised her in the Sisterhood of Witches. The Sisterhood's way of life was the only way that she ever knew until Corynne shared with her some radical ideas about love. Although Corynne's wayward actions troubled her, Keiry remained a loyal friend. However, she held fast to her beliefs. At least until Lathian entered her life...

Lathian is Lothar's younger brother. He has the ability to make the people around him happy--at the cost of his own happiness. Lathian struggles with depression. He has always looked up to Lothar and would follow him to any lengths. He fell in love with Keiry while walking her home on the day they met. But Keiry is a witch, and is therefore forbidden to love him back.

Litham is the firstborn son of King Lothe and the heir to the throne. But like most of the males in his family, Litham has an insatiable ambition. If he wants something, he will take it. He does not want to wait until his father has passed on to rule the kingdom. When mysterious things started happening around the castle--a deadly snake here, a poisoned bottle of wine there--Lothar and Lathian suspected Litham, but they can never prove it. He always had an alibi, along with the power to make people believe him.

King Lothe
Lothe is the king of Lyvenia at the beginning of the series. Galaea and her witches have been giving him trouble since he first took the throne, but this is the way that is has always been. Lothe strived to be a good king and to pass down a prosperous kingdom to his descendants. He has the power to discern when people are lying to him, which has allowed him to be a good ruler. However, this ability stops short when it comes to his children, or for that matter, anyone he would love enough to always want to believe.

Queen Larana
Larana is the wife of King Lothe. She is very vain, and although she is significantly younger than Lothe, she looks even younger than she is because of her power to alter her appearance. She knows that her husband is a bit of a lecher and chose her for her youth and beauty, but she is equally aware that she chose to be with him for his wealth and power. Her children are her world and she will defend each of them to her death if necessary.

Saleri is a member of the Sisterhood of Witches. She is also a powerful seer. The witches believe that the Goddess Jyaell orders everything to happen, but Saleri--like most seers--believes that fate is a force of its own, and that her ability is to read it. Her pedictions are always accurate, but not always on time. Saleri's  power is strongest when it comes to unborn babies, conceived or not. Before a child is even a thought, she can see the child's destiny. Especially when that destiny is great and/or terrible.

When Magrid was a small child, her parents abandoned her in the Alathean Forest. They barely had enough food to feed themselves and they sent her away at the mercy of Fate. But Fate had a plan for Magrid. Three days later, she found the witches' camp, where Galaea adopted her as a sister for Ivaine. Magrid is socially awkward, but adores children and Ivaine. She desperately wants to be a mother and has since she can remember. But when every mating ceremony passes, Magrid finds her womb empty. She is a follower by nature and she does not like Corynne or Keiry simply because Ivaine hates them. She does what she is told and will always obey whoever is in authority.

Markius is the last surviving member of the House of Gauntkey and the sole proprietor of its fortune. He drinks to forget the horrors of his abusive childhood and he loves to have a good time with his boys at the pub. He quickly became captivated with Corynne when he met her and  decided he was going to make her his wife, one way or another. The fact that she was in love with the prince of Lyvenia mattered little to him.